Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday Edition: Kitchen Tip

"Bread rolls!" uploaded to Flickr by jkblacker
Hey there!  I hope you had a great weekend.  I had a three day weekend, and so did the Husband.  It was great to hang out at home for an extra day.  What about you?  Were you "off" yesterday as well?

So recently I have been preparing to host the Toddler's birthday party.  I've been thinking of recipes I want to dry and dishes I know I want to serve.  There won't be a lot of people, but enough to make things hectic and for me to get stressed out. 

In scouring magazines for ideas and recipes, I came across a brilliant idea to save room in the oven.  If you want to keep some bread warm, but don't want to take up room in the oven, turn your slow cooker onto the lowest setting and place your bread in there!  Rolls can stay in there for up to an hour without drying out.  How brilliant is that?  Found it in Better Homes and Gardens!

What are your tips for staying sane while your entertaining?


  1. Wow, I had no idea. I have a small oven and so I've always made use of both of my crockpots and my toaster oven. I have a huge toaster oven. My mom has a double oven and of every house I've lived in, I've never gotten a double oven :( Anyway, great tip.

  2. I've heard that tip before, but I've never tried it. Let me know how it works for you!

  3. I love using my crockpot. Now I have another reason to use it.

  4. That is a GREAT tip! Thanks for sharing.

  5. great tip!! i stay same by drinking wine while i entertain!! :)

  6. Great idea! I will try that next time!

  7. Great tip :)
    I stay sane by serving very easy foods like toast with basil, tomatoes and mozzarella etc. Less ingredients = less stress!

  8. Great tip, and the kids in my area were out of school too!

  9. Long time no see! I hope you're doing well - I just got to thinking about you and thought I'd say hi!

  10. A kitchen tip shared every Tuesday sounds like an excellent way to learn new culinary tricks.


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