Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday Edition: Kitchen Tip

Hope you had a great Labor Day!  We spent time with some friends that we haven't seen in awhile.  The Toddler played nicely with their toddler, and the Husband and I got to catch up with our friends, so a good time was had by all!

The Husband was also able to get into the yard a little bit yesterday and put down some grass seed.  I wanted to get out there and take down some of my plants in the veggie garden that are done producing, but I didn't have a chance.  Instead, I decided what I was going to have (and not have) in the veggie garden next year.  Definitely tomatoes and eggplant.  Definitely not garlic.  I tried growing it this year and it didn't work.  The scapes died so early, so when I pulled out the garlic, it was just one big clove.  Bummer.

Garlic Basics
It's a bummer because I do love garlic.  I use it in a lot of dishes.  I usually use my garlic press, which I love.  But sometimes I just smash it and put it in.  I typically smash the cloves with a knife.  I know - not safe.  I just read in a Better Homes and Gardens mag that you can separate a garlic head into individual cloves by striking it with an unopened can.  I bet you can clean the bottom of the can and then use that to smash the clove too! 

What do you use to smash garlic cloves?


  1. I've used so many different things. I've used cans, mallets, and even the bottom of a tiny saucepan. I like the mallet- smashes the cloves and my frustrations. LOL

    New follower from the blog hop. Feel free to stop by!


  2. I hate garlic. My hubby has a garlic press he uses. I think he uses one of those wooden mallet things.

    New follower from the Hop! Please stop by to say hi sometime soon.

  3. I've never smashed garlic before (I cheat and buy it). If I use a garlic clove, I cut it with a knife.


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